The publishing office "B.A.Dyshko, A.B.Kochergin, A.I.Golovachev. "Ergogenic purposal means in cyclic sports" - Moscow, Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, N6, 2015, p. 76-83." |

"Zaharkin I.V., Volkov N.I., Koslov A.A., Dyshko B.A.. "Alternative Training Methods of Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Game Sports" - Moscow, Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, N6, 2012, pp 74-79."

The publishing office "Theory and Practice of the Physical Culture and Sports" (Moscow) issued the new book "Innovative Technologies of the respiratory system training". B.Dyshko, A.Kochergin, A.Golovachev. |
"Teoria I praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 7, 2011, P.26 - 32. A.I.Golovachev, Ph. D., S.N. Portugalov,Ph. D, A.R. Vorontsov, Ph. D., A.B. Kochergin,Ph. D., I.M. Russkov,N.S. Zgursky. B. F. Dyshko, Dr.Biol. MODERN METHODS APPROACHES TO INCREASE OF SPECIAL EXERCISE PERFORMANCE BASED ON USE OF SIMULATORS OF INTERACTION ACTION ON ATHLETES SPIRITUAL SYSTEM" |
"Sports science bulletin", 1, 2011, P. 7 - 12. Dyshko B.,Dr. Biol., Golovachev A., Ph.D. Innovation approaches toward athletes' physical readiness improvement using training devices with complex influence upon respiratory system |
Didur M.D., Dyshko B.A., Kochergin A.B. Drug-agent for getting better bronchial drainage function - Young Sports Science of Ukraine : the miscellany of scient. artic. in the field of phys. tduc., sport and health. Issue 15: 4 volumes - L'viv: LSUPC, 2011. - V.3. - P. 107 -112. - 338p. |
International Theoretical and Practical Conference of CIS countries on the Problems of Physical Training and Sports, Minsk, Belarus state university of physical training, Dyshko B.A. “Individual respiratory devices of complex influence as means of increase of the élite sportsmen efficiency”, PP. 110 – 118. |
“Transdnieperia sports bulletin”, N.3, PP. 168 -174. Dyshko B.A. "Device of complex influence on sportsmen's respiratory system - the additional «dead respiratory space» or hipoxic-hypercapnic gas mix."generator" .p. 168 - 171 |

"Physical culture", n.1, 2009. Dyshko B., Golovachev A. Innovation approaches toward athletes' physical readiness improvement using training devices with complex influence upon respiratory system. |

Proceeding of XXVI International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sport (ISBS), pp. 343-347. Sequl, Korea, 2008 Dychko B., Kochergin A. "Biomechanical regulation of sportsmen external breath characteristics with use of pneuma-vibration effect" |

"Popular mechanics" (Russia), n. 12(74),2008. "Breathing right. Made in Russia". |

"Track and field athletics ", 10(630), October 2007, pp. 22 - 24, Moscow, Russia. B.Dyshko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Sports engineering association, M.Didur, Doctor of Medicine, Medicine academy by Pavlov, Saint-Petersburg, A.Golovachev, Pedagogic Sciences candidate, VNIIFK, Moscow "Respiratory system training on move – biological factors and realization" |

"Consumer. Everything for sport and leisure ", №9, 2007, pp. 96-97, Moscow, Russia. Dyshko B.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Sports engineering association, "Exerciser for respiratory muscles training "

"Medicine and sport", №5, 2006, Moscow, Russia. Dyshko B.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Sports engineering association. "Individual equipment for respiratory system training" |

Proceedings of XXIII International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS), v.1, pp. 113-115, Beijing, China, 2005. Dychko B., Kochergin A. "The device for training breathing of swimmers using pneuma-vibration". |

"Theory and practice of football ", 3(11), pp. 6-9, 2001, Moscow, Russia. Dyshko B.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Sports engineering association, Kochergin A.B., Pedagogic Sciences candidate, ShVSM of Moscow "Device for respiratory system training with oxygen regulation in respiration air" |