Nordic walking as a new unique type of fitness was invented by Finnish skiers in the 70-es of the ХХ century. As far back as in the 80-es this type of walking acquired vogue in the USA and Europe. Nowadays million of people of all over the world are fond of Nordic walking!
Nordic walking is a perfect training for cardiovascular system, stimulation of blood circulation and vitals to reduce cholesterine level in blood, the risk of vases affection and cardiovascular pathology. Regular exercises in the open air contribute to body tissue and cells aeration, toxins clarification and result into skin substantial improvement and retardation of the body aging. Nordic walking is especially meant for people suffering from cervical-thoracic spine osteochondrosis and locomotorium diseases.
Nordic walking was exercised by professional skier-sportsmen during «snow-free» seasons as a ski-running simulation. Later Nordic walking acquired vogue among non-professionals, people who are just fond of active sports and rest as an extremely effective way to keep body in tone, reduce overweight and overcome daily stresses.
Fast walking with poles enables you to involve up to 90% of body muscles (see Table 1). Thus back and upper body muscles work, muscle spasms in the regions of neck, occiput and shoulder girdle relax. Joints strain reduces by 10-30% due to poles.
Table 1. Percentage of muscles involved with different types of fitness.
Sports |
Muscles involved |
Swimming |
25 % |
Walking |
45 % |
Mountain cycling |
45 % |
Running |
65 % |
Nordic walking |
85 % |
Nordic walking advantages:
-energy expenditure increase up to 46% what equals 400 kcal/hr;
-increased walking speed and decreased general fatigue;
-joints and knees strain reduction;
-cardiac performance activation;
-cervical-brachial muscles building;
-neck and spinal lateralis motility improvement;
-safety factor improvement on slippery surfaces;
-venous distensibility preventive care and healing.
Nordic walking technique is the same as the one of skiing. Movements are performed by a diagonal principle: the right pole touches the surface simultaneously with the left heel and vice versa. One may accelerate the walking tempo and increase the exercise efficiency by means of power load augmentation to arms and upper body muscles. There are several variants of walking with poles: fast triple steps, lengthen step, parallel movement of poles and legs (the left leg with the left pole, the right leg with the right pole). Walking techniques change prevents monotony and fast fatigue.

It is sufficient to perform 2-3 exercises a week 30-40 minutes each to keep your body in tone. It should be noted that walking with poles has little in common with a common walking that is why one should start training very carefully, gradually increasing the time of exercises. Daily one hour trainings’ is a very good method to lose weight.
Besides the abovementioned features Nordic walking with «Novoye dykhanie» exerciser gives you additional ultimate advantages:
- additional activation of cardiovascular system;
- lungs unstrained muscles exercising:
- body adaptation abilities improvement to perform exercises under hypoxia and hypercapnia conditions («middle-mountain area»);
- deepen tidal breathing:
- respiratory rate decrease;
- drainage pulmonary function improvement (sputum extraction);
- anaerobic glycolysis activation in aerobic strains area (energy expenditure increases, «fat» burning speed up);
- decreased tussive symptom;
- pulmonary capacity enlargement.
Using «Novoe dykhanie» exerciser and walking at the same speed you may get the same result as if you walk without the exerciser but 10 – 15% faster.
Be sure you check the pulse rate!!!!
If you are an AMATEUR/BEGINNER the recommended time of the exerciser usage for the first training is 10-15 min. at the pulse rate not above 110-120 BPM. The remaining time – walking without the exerciser. It is necessary to get accustomed to the exerciser during the first 2-3 trainings. That is why do not try to walk fast. The exerciser «adjustment» is given in the Manual.

Depending on your condition after 4 – 5 trainings you may increase the walking time with the exerciser up to 20-25 minutes per each training but not above 30% of total training time.
For PROFESSIONALS/TRAINED SPORTSMEN time of the exerciser usage should be no less than 35-40% of total training time at the pulse rate not above 140 BPM.
If the trainings are performed 8-10 times per week «Novoe dykhanie» exerciser shall be used every other training. If you have 2-3 trainings per week the exerciser shall be used every training. Total training course with the exerciser is not above 15-17 trainings, upon which you should carry on training under usual conditions. It is recommended to use the exerciser again within 10-14 days.

Training with «Novoe dykhanie» exerciser - Examples.
- warming up with the exerciser - 2-3 min.
- performance with the exerciser- 12-15 min.
- basic training without the exerciser - 25-30 min.
- warming up with the exerciser - 3-5 min.
- performance with the exerciser - 20-30 min.
- own program training without the exerciser.